Super Bowl LIX

Super Bowl LIX will be a huge sporting event and you can be there with Engage.

The Super Bowl stands as the annual culmination of the National Football League (NFL) season, serving as the league championship game since 1966, succeeding the NFL Championship Game. As of 2022, the game is scheduled to take place on the second Sunday in February, marking the culmination of the NFL season.

The Super Bowl for the 2024 season will be played at the Caesers Superdrome in New Orleans. It will be the eighth Super Bowl to be played in the stadium and the eleventh to be played in New Orleans. The Superdrome is a huge 73,208 capacity stadium, built and opened in 1975, which became the home of the New Orleans Saints of the NFL, and still hosts home games for the team today.

The Pittsburgh Steelers and New England Patriots share the record for the most Super Bowl wins, each boasting six championships. The Dallas Cowboys and San Francisco 49ers closely follow with five victories each, while the Green Bay Packers and New York Giants have secured four titles apiece. Additionally, fourteen other NFL franchises have celebrated victory in at least one Super Bowl.

The Super Bowl promises to be another memorable day in 2025, as the two best teams that NFL has to offer come to head to head. Join Engage for an unforgettable trip of a lifetime to the Super Bowl LIX.

Caesers Superdrome Sunday 9 February 2025